Dear Colleague…
Please take a moment from your very busy schedule to join me in commemoration of World Health Day, coming up on Thursday, April 7, 2022, as annually designated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
World Health Day this year takes on added significance, given the current humanitarian crisis unfolding in Eastern Europe, where thousands upon thousands of everyday people just like us are being displaced, injured, traumatized, and separated from their families.
Although the 2022 focus on World Health Day is on ensuring a healthy world, international data collection is another factor that cannot not be ignored. We have learned from the International Federation of Health Information Management Associations (IFHIMA) that an estimated 25,000 petabytes of healthcare data were generated last year. Consider for a moment the significance of that vast amount of data, and its implications for caregiving — especially now during these troubled global times.
We acknowledge and appreciate that Sound Physicians, our vendor partner at RACmonitor, is supporting World Health Day. And we extend our appreciation to the current president of IFHIMA, Lorraine Fernandes, who will be the special guest on Talk TenTuesdays April 5, reporting on data collection.
Thank you as well for taking a moment with me to contemplate the significance of World Health Day 2022.
Chuck Buck
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