Article Submission
Include the following details with your submission:
- Full name
- Credentials/Degrees/Affiliation (if any)
- Postal address and daytime phone number (for verification purposes, not for publication)
Article Format
Upload your article as a Microsoft Word document.
Manuscripts will be considered only if they include:
- Full first and last name of authors
- Credentials, academic degree, title, and affiliation (if any)
- Postal address
- Daytime telephone number
- Email address (for verification, not for publication)
- Appropriate and accurate citations
If there are multiple authors, provide information for each contributor and designate one author for correspondence.
If emailing the article, include a signed statement affirming its originality and exclusivity, along with a brief author biography and a color photograph.
Submission Terms
By submitting content to MedLearn Media, RACmonitor, ICD10monitor or MedLearn Publishing, you affirm that the work provided is original and free of plagiarism. You acknowledge the following statements to be true:
- Thorough research has been conducted and all sources are accurately cited
- RACmonitor has been granted the right to review, edit, and publish the work
- You certify that the work has not been submitted elsewhere simultaneously
- You confirm that this is your original work and all sources have been granted permissions
- This article is written in adherence to RACmonitor’s editorial policies
Content Ownership
RACmonitor owns the copyright of submitted articles and has the right to use direct and indirect attribution as approved by the submitter.
Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information.
Representations and Warranties
You represent and warrant that you own or have permissions for the content provided.
The article should be concise and relevant; articles typically range from 1,000 to 1,200 words.
Information from other published works should be completely and accurately referenced in the order in which it is cited in the text. List references in numerical order according to the American Medical Association Manual of Style.
Submission of photographs, charts, tables, and other graphics is encouraged. Images should be uploaded with the article or emailed to the editor as JPEG, PNG, or GIF files. Images must be 72 pixels per inch (ppi) and a minimum of 350 pixels wide. Please submit any art or other graphics along with a statement of originality. If the art has been previously published or is based upon previously published material, written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce or adapt the art must be submitted. All photos, tables, and other graphics should be clearly labeled, numbered, and captioned.
Author Responsibilities
Authors are solely responsible for the content of articles submitted. RACmonitor accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies in manuscripts or references. It is the author’s responsibility to notify RACmonitor of any potential conflict of interest with respect to submitted articles and to acknowledge affiliation with any organization or entity mentioned in the text and/or financial interest in any subject matter, organization, or product discussed.
All accepted manuscripts to the editor will be edited for space and clarity according to the style and format of RACmonitor and its family of brands.